Home Security

Our Top 10 Tips To Spring Clean Your Home Security

By March 20, 2024No Comments
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Spring has officially arrived, even though temperatures outside continue to fluctuate. As we all know, Spring is the season when most people get in the mood to clean and declutter their homes. So, while you are at it, make sure you include home security in your spring cleaning list. Here are our top 10 tips to help you spring clean your home security:

1. Clean your alarm codes:

Start by figuring out which alarm codes are currently active on your alarm panel. Delete any codes that are not needed anymore, such as those given to former contractors, housekeepers, or pet sitters. If you gave someone your master code and no longer want them to have it, update and change your master code and password.

2. Update your emergency contact list:

Contact your central station to update and confirm a current list of emergency contacts for your home, as well as the order in which you would like them to be contacted. This way, if there ever is an emergency, dispatchers can reach you or one of your contacts as quickly as possible without running into disconnected phone numbers or old contacts.

3. Trim overgrown bushes and trees:

Overgrown landscaping provides a great place for a potential burglar to hide. Be sure to trim back overgrown leaves and branches, especially those near windows and doors. This will make hiding a lot more difficult and make your house less desirable for a burglary.

4. Test your system:

It is advised to test your system once a month to make sure everything is running smoothly. You can call into your central station and let them know you would like to test your system. They will walk you through how to do so and confirm they are receiving signals.

5. Check your fire extinguisher:

Confirm that you have a working fire extinguisher in your home. Be sure that everyone in your household knows where the fire extinguisher is and how to use it. A fire extinguisher is generally kept in the kitchen underneath the kitchen sink in the event of a cooking fire, which most commonly involves the stovetop.

6. Change batteries on smoke and carbon monoxide detectors:

Change the batteries on your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide monitors at least once a year. Adding this to your spring cleaning list will ensure you don’t forget when you last changed the battery. Smoke detectors should also be completely changed out every 10 years from the manufacturing date. You can find the manufacturing date by looking at the back of the smoke detector.

7. Check for overloaded or damaged extension cords:

An overloaded outlet or a damaged extension cord can be a serious fire hazard. Make a sweep through your house to make sure that electronics are plugged in properly and any cords that look damaged are replaced with new extension cords.

8. Clean your dryer:

The leading cause of home dryer fires is failure to clean them. To avoid this, make sure you clean the lint trap before and after each load of laundry, as well as any lint that has collected around the drum.

9. Test outdoor motion detectors:

These outdoor motion detectors put the spotlight on anyone in your backyard, and no burglar wants to be in the spotlight. You will want to make sure that the light bulbs aren’t burnt out or damaged by winter weather.

10. Clean and check your outdoor grill:

Now that the weather is warming up, it is a great time to be outside grilling with family and friends. Check your grill and propane tank to make sure there are no leaks and that the grill is far enough away from things that might cause a fire hazard such as bushes, plants, and trees.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – start your Spring cleaning list with these 10 home security tips to keep your home safe and secure all season long!


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